Side Hustle Success - CWE Vermont

09-27-2024 11:30 AM - 09-27-2024 1:00 PM

This workshop highlights the best practices of navigating a career with multiple ‘gigs’, freelancing, and jobs. Topics focus on bite-sized, tactical tools immediately implementable and offers a variety of tools & hands-on activities to support the establishment of meaning and stability in a work lifestyle.

Join us virtually. Be prepared for working sessions interspersed throughout the workshop. 

 Is a Side Hustle the Way to Go?

  • What am I even going to do?
  • What’s my value? What are my ‘verticals’?
  • What do I want this side hustle(s) to be doing for me?

Client Hustle

  • Identifying clients, getting gigs
  • Servicing clients
  • Managing your value
  • Building strategic partnerships
  • Online brand

Hustle Backend

  • Managing irregular income
  • Determining if you’re actually meeting your goals (success metrics)
  • Systems for success
  • Managing difficult internal relationships

More information and registration may be found here.

Venue Name
Side Hustle Success - CWE Vermont
Venue Address